
N02L6181A Datasheet, ON Semiconductor

N02L6181A sram equivalent, ultra-low power asynchronous cmos sram.

N02L6181A Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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N02L6181A Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Single Wide Power Supply Range 1.65 to 2.2 Volts
* Very low standby current 0.5µA at 1.8V (Typical)
* Very low operating current 1.4mA at 1.8V and 1µs (Typi.


where low-power is critical such as battery backup and hand-held devices. The device can operate over a very wide temper.


Pin Name A0-A16 WE CE OE LB UB I/O0-I/O15 NC VCC VSS Pin Function Address Inputs Write Enable Input Chip Enable Input Output Enable Input Lower Byte Enable Input Upper Byte Enable Input Data Inputs/Outputs Not Connected Power Ground Rev. 4 | Page 2.

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